Dear Mother Earth Who Day by Day

Dear Mother Earth Who Day by Day


30x40 oil on stretched canvas.

Each painting in this series comes from a line of the song All Creatures of our God and King, which beautifully celebrates the earth.

It has been like a meditation of gratitude to consider the Earth.  I felt so full of inspiration and appreciation as I took an abstract approach to this painting. The creativity poured out of me effortlessly and I wanted to leave some of the marks raw and untidy because we find things like that  in nature.  Something so perfect as an orchid bloom is even more beautiful when contrasted with the scarring from a recent forest fire or a patch of overgrown weeds.  The cycles and seasons teach us lessons and the beauty that surrounds us brings us joy and comfort.  The love I feel as I am held by the earth is immense.

Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads. -Henry David Thoreau

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