Attention Deficit

Attention Deficit


Mixed media on stretched canvas, 30x30

When I was thinking about how to paint ADHD, I recognized that when I am in any kind of situation where there is not calm, all the information goes into my body and mind and I can’t choose what to focus on.  It can be very overwhelming and one way I cope with it is to block out all the information and hyper focus on one thing or something in my own mind.  To me, the black circle is blocking out all of the chaos and information—it doesn’t even matter whether it’s positive or negative.  I chose the focus of the painting to be a tree because trees hold so many beautiful and meaningful metaphors.  What do you notice about the layers when you look closely? What does it mean to you?

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Mixed media on stretched canvas, 30x30


When I was thinking about how to paint ADHD, I recognized that when I am in any kind of situation where there is not calm, all the information goes into my body and mind and I can’t choose what to focus on.  It can be very overwhelming and one way I cope with it is to block out all the information and hyper focus on one thing or something in my own mind.  To me, the black circle is blocking out all of the chaos and information—it doesn’t even matter whether it’s positive or negative.  I chose the focus of the painting to be a tree because trees hold so many beautiful and meaningful metaphors.  What do you notice about the layers when you look closely? What does it mean to you?